
dewabit is unmatched in value, yet powerful. Check out our prices!

Our flexible pricing model is calculated based on your maximum active items and the number of linked eBay accounts. The minimum contract period is one month, with no automatic renewal of the contract. You can test dewabit risk-free for a month without submitting payment information. After the trial period, you'll be classified into the free dewabit Private plan.

How much does dewabit cost?

Our flexible pricing model

Select duration

PlanMax. itemsAccounts incl.Price/Month
dewabit Private201 EUR0.00
dewabit Private Plus1001 EUR6.90 *
dewabit Market1,0002 EUR12.90 *
dewabit Market Plus5,0002 EUR25.90 *
dewabit Business10,0003 EUR38.90 *
dewabit Business Plus15,0004 EUR52.90 *
dewabit Enterprise Plus50,0005 EUR65.90 *
* Prices include statutory VAT. The stated monthly price applies for a prepayment of 1 month(s).

Frequently Asked Questions

How are the active items summed up?

The active items are summed up from all linked eBay accounts. We count the offers that are currently listed on eBay as active offers. The time period doesn't matter. For example, as a private seller, you could list 20 auctions with a duration of 7 days. After these 7 days, you could list another 20 items.

What does "Accounts included" mean? Can I add more accounts?

Depending on your plan, you have the option to link additional eBay accounts to your dewabit account. The active items are summed up from all linked eBay accounts. For example, in the "dewabit Business" plan, you can manage up to 3 eBay accounts. If you want to manage more than 3 accounts, you can switch to the next higher plan or add another account for an additional charge.

How does payment work?

At the moment, only PayPal payments are accepted. The payment is made when concluding or extending your plan.

Do I have to cancel my plan?

A cancellation of your plan is not necessary as it does not automatically renew. You pay in advance and can use dewabit for the time you have booked.

I have more questions about the prices

Then please send us an email to or create a support ticket in the member area. We will reply as soon as possible.